Residential Carpet Cleaning
Carpets in our homes greatly effect indoor air quality. They act like a large sponge collecting all sorts of organic material. Often times regular vacuuming will help remove these soils and organic matter from causing odors in the home. However vacuuming can only do so much. Body oils, pet dander, allergens, bacteria and other spills that occur in our homes often cause major headaches. Its recommended by the Carpet and Rug institute to have carpets cleaned every 6-12 months. This will remove all kinds of allergens, bacteria and soil from the carpet leaving a fresher and cleaner smelling home.
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Before you try DYI
There are a few things to consider…
The machine used, do you currently own a carpet cleaning machine? Or do you rent the one at the store? These seems like convenient options that will save you time and money but lets break down the pros and cons. Often times these machines are under-powered, easy to use light weight options for the consumer to use. However they lack on power. Vacuum motors in these machines don’t produce enough power to remove the majority of water put into the carpet. Leaving your carpets wet too long causing stains to reappear and possible smells to form.
The chemicals used, the consumer carpet cleaning chemicals sold with these machines often don’t have many active ingredients or high quality ingredients needed to clean carpet. These have fillers and optical brighteners that make your carpets look great day one but they quickly re-soil and become less clean quickly afterwards. The carpets often feel sticky because the machines are unable to flush and remove all the water and or chemicals from the carpet.
Spotters used, often times we go to the store and see multiple options for removing stains or products that claim to clean up pet messes. The majority of these don’t take care of the issue or may temporarily take care of the issue with brighteners that almost bleach the carpets. These often quickly re-soil with traffic leaving dark dirty areas all over.